


Company Name: Yingkou Chuangxing Technology Co., Ltd.

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Liaoning magnesia-chrome brick refractory ceramic fiberboard nano-ceramic fiberboard

Ceramic fiber blankets are currently insulated by lightweight bolts

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Ceramic fiber blankets are currently insulated by lightweight bolts

Date of release:2018-08-30 Author: Click:

At present, fireproof ceramic fiberboard and ceramic fiber blanket are all made of lightweight heat insulating plugs. There are many kinds of materials, complex construction procedures, large daily labor consumption and difficult to control the quality. Therefore, the selection of new insulation lining materials and improvement of construction technology are the key to improve the construction quality and technical level of furnace lining projects such as heating furnaces and converter furnaces. At present, ceramic fiber blankets and ceramic fiber modules are mostly used.

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aa1.pngCompany Name: Yingkou Chuangxing Technology Co., Ltd.
aa2.pngCompany Address: Second Village, Chengdong Office, Old Border District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province
aa3.pngContact number:0417-3920188  0417-3920288
aa4.pngContact Fax:0417-3920495

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